Tag: Edmund Hillary School

24. Tuhi mai Tuhi atu, 2024 – Team 15


On Wednesday my teacher  told us that we are going to be joining Tuhi mai Tuhi atu, is where differnet types of schools, kids that goes to those school will have to comment on other kids from a different school, I thought it was supposed to be like kids coming to our school and buddy read with each other, but when Tanya our teacher screencast to the tv I saw that every single kid had a link to their blog I was confused at first but I got the hang of it.

As a student at Edmund Hillary School I am very excited to comment on other kids from differnet schools, so that I can see what they have been learning about.  A student from Paroa in Greymouth  commented in my blog post, I was so excited that they had a chance to go on my blog and comment on it!!

As you can see the red one is our school Edmund Hillary School, the orange one is Paroa Greymouth School, the blue one is Glenn Innes School..!!

Make sure to press on my work to get the link to My maps.

Here is the link to my wonderful work..!

Thank you for viewing my post and have a great rest of your day.

Nga Mihi: Susana 👍