Category: Hanga | Create


WALT: This week my class and I has been listening to a story called Hatchet, and we have been writing a ponder about Hatchet.

The book is about a man who was controlling a airplane until it crashed, he had no food or water to survive with.

But here are my reasons why you should suffer from starvation


Term 1- Week 7, Ponder 


Would you rather suffer from Dehydration or Starvation?


  • I would rather suffer from starvation because you cannot survive without water because your body will be extremely thirsty, fatigue and ultimately, organ failure and death.


  •  Reasons
  • However, without staying hydrated (without water) as well, the human body can only live 3 to 5 days. I  believe that a person can live for up to three weeks without food as long as they have water to drink. Without both water and food, a person cannot survive for more than four days.


  • The body often finds alternate ways to generate energy during starvation and prolong life. However, in the absence of water, the body undergoes several changes and severe dehydration, and the kidneys may shut down.


  • Not eating for 30 days can have severe and life-threatening consequences for the body. Initially, the body will use up its stored glycogen for energy, followed by breaking down fat stores for fuel. However, prolonged fasting can lead to muscle wasting, weakness, dizziness, and extreme weight loss.


  • The length of time a person can survive without any food or water will depend on various factors, such as the individual’s age and health and whether or not they have anything else to drink.


  • When the human body is severely deprived of calories, it starts functioning differently to reduce the amount of energy it burns. If nutrition is not restored, starvation leads to loss of life.


  •  There is no hard and fast “rule of thumb” for how long you can live without food. To some extent, the answer depends on individual differences and circumstances. Information about life expectancy is based on real world contexts, such as hunger strikes and serious medical conditions.


  • During the first 24 hours without food, as your glucose storage is depleted, your body will begin to convert glycogen from your liver and muscles into glucose.


  •  Being underweight, defined as having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5, is associated with malnutrition and a range of health conditions that can lower life expectancy. These include reduced immune system function, digestive conditions, and cancer.


  • Over time, a severely restricted food intake can reduce lifespan.


Favourite Books

T1-Week 6

Kia ora, my class and I has been talking about our favourite book for the past week. Our teacher gave us a link to a page to give our class the chance to share our favourite book.

The book I chose to be my favourite book is Ben and Mark.  The reason why is, beacause you can actually learn so many things by reading this book.

Its a fun book to read, and you can learn one or two.

Here’s my favourite book and some facts about it.


Hatchet, Ponder

T1-Week 3-Hatchet.


I believe that Brian will not survive in the wilderness, because he has no shelter, and that the plane is not a shelter because when he hits the ground, the plane already has a lot of damage, and that he has no food to survive with. 


Brain may have a hatchet in his pocket, but it might not help him that much, because he might try and chop down a tree and it will fail.


Brian may have a phobia of tight places.  Brian will not survive in the wilderness because there might be a storm heading right to him.


There might be wild animals in the wilderness.  Brian has no experiences in nature. Brian will not survive because he might get frostbite and will die of coldness at night.


Indigenous Woman

Kia Ora,


The indigenous woman I admire is Kate Sheppard


If I had to pick any women, it would be Kate Sheppard, the reason why is that she was a role model for giving women the right to vote.

Kate Sheppard was born in Liverpool, Liverpool is located in the northwest of England. Her parents are Jemima Crawford and Andrew Wilson Malclom.


Kate Sheppard is recognised as a leader of the fight to win the right for New Zealand women to vote.

I admire Kate Sheppard because she tried so hard to give women the right to vote in New Zealand.

It took her 1 day and 4 hours to get from England to New Zealand

Kate Sheppard’s nationality is New Zealand.


It took Kate Sheppard 42 years to give women the right to vote.

Kate Sheppard inspired me by being the only woman standing up and giving the women the right to vote.

Kate was the editor of The White Ribbon.

The White ribbon was the first newspaper to be owned, managed and published by women. 


Kate Sheppard has three siblings, she has a sister Isabelle May, and her brother Frank Malclom, Robert Sheppard.

Kate Sheppard’s full name is Katherine Wilson Malclom.

When Kate Sheppard moved to New Zealand, Kate Sheppard was in her early twenties.

My connection with Kate is she lives in New Zealand and that I live in New Zealand as well.

Kate Sheppard had one husband, Walter Sheppard.

Kate Sheppard is on the 10 dollar note, because she gave women the right to vote. Kate Sheppard is 87 years old.


Kate inspires me by being a good leader.

Her eldest sibling, Marie, was born in scotland.

Her father was born in Scotland in 1819.

Kate passed away in Christchurch, New Zealand, at the age of 87.

Her only grandchild, Margaret Isobel Sheppard, died in 1930.

Kate had a strong sense of responsibility towards other people, especially those in need.

She believed that women could not make any changes needed in society without first winning the right to vote.


A Good Friend

 A Good Friend

Friends are kind.

A Good Friend is Supportive.

Friends are Protective.

A Good Friend is Helpful.

A good Friend is Playful.

Friends are Important.

Friends are Smart.

A Nice Friend is kind.

Bike Safety

I learnt all about bikes safety this week.

The first thing I learnt is to check if the bike is safe to ride .We used the ABC check.A to check the air

B to check the brakes and C to check the Chain.

The Second thing i learnt is how to do a helmet check. Two fingers above your eyebrows to the bottom of your helmet.

Make a V shape around the bottom of your ears and one finger under the strap beneath your chin.


Malo le lei.My name is Susana and I am a 10 years old.I am a year 5 at Edmund Hillary School.My

favourite subject is Maths. My favourite food is Sushi.I like to play rugby.Here is my favourite song.