24. Prefixs and Suffixes

WALT:  Search the meaning of the prefixs.

Namaste 👋 !

This week my class and I have been focusing on our prefixs for the past 2 terms, and this week our prefixs was sub, which that means under, for example “submerge, to put under water”.  For the prefixs we had to drag the prefixs and research the meaning in google to check the meaning to see if we were right or not. Then we had to blog about the prefxs which what I am doing right now. Then tick it off the mahi check list where all my classmates always forget to tick it of but thats alright because sometimes I forget to tick it off the mahi checklist.

Here is my work.

Thank you for reading my blog post and have a excellent day 😊 !

A special reminder to Spread the Gospel 🙌!!

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