24. Reading Response

Assalamuallaikum everyone!!

This week my group Tui was reading a book called An Old Man’s Tale. This book is about an old man who tells his story to the public, he writes about the things he is struggling with, which is getting water for his crops and for hydration, and that the solution he had for his problem, he walks to the nearest pond which takes one hour to get there and getting back was also a struggle, as he walks to the nearest pond, he saw some kids who wanted to help the old man, the old man really needed the water to keep him hydrated and to get his crops prepared for the Winter, the old man walks with the three kids,  all of the kids started to grumble which means complaining about walking which made the three kids very exhausting. How you can go on it is very easy,  you will have to go on the Edmund Hillary site, then you press on the classrooms, as you scroll down you will see the Room 9 website, as you press on it you will have to go on the home page but if you screen is already on it, amazing! Press the Panui which is the reading page in Maori, and as you press the Panui, scroll down to the four groups and you can press on one of the groups, because all of them has reading response, but they have different books, because they all are different levels.

Here is the my work.

Thank you for reading my blog and have a bless day! 😄

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