24. Prefixes

Kia ora,

WALHT: Is to know every single prefixes and suffixes for this year.

My class and I has been learning to know our prefixes and suffixes for this year and this term. This week our prefix was bi, the meaning of bi is called twice two or double, like for example: Bicolour is having two different colour. I really enjoyed doing this work because you can research the word  and find out what the meaing is! This helped me by knowing the words that I didn’t know that exist, after I search up the word I never knew it exist and it really helped me to understand the word, I really love to learn more exciting worrks like this so I can understand words that I never knew it exist!!

I am hoping to do more work like this next week!!

Here is my work!

Thank you for reading my blog and have a blessed day..!!

Nga Mihi: Susana

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