24. Idioms, Term 2 – Week 1

Talofa lava,

This week my class and I have been learning about all about Idioms, this week we had to move the sentence into its place,  its sort of like a word puzzle but differnet because in that sentence is acutally the defintion of the word that you have to drag to its right place, thats why I called a puzzle because it was dragging the word to its rightful meaning,

After that we had to blog about Idioms which what I am doing right now. The last part is to type what we have learnt about which I have already explain about.

Here is the link to my work

2 thoughts on “24. Idioms, Term 2 – Week 1

  1. Hey Susana! It’s Nelli! And I did not know all of those Ldioms! But maybe you could write more stuff about them. But thanks for sharing!

  2. Kia ora Neli!

    Sorry about that but this my task not my work I made. My task is put the words in the blank space and sreach it on the google what the meaning of the sentences.

    But you could try to understand what task I did or ask a friend if you don’t get it.

    Thank you for checking up my blog

    Kind regards

    Susana , 😁

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