24. R9 – Goals

WALT: What I need to work on next term.

My class and I have been learning what we need to work on next term so that we could aim higher than ever! For my Writing goal I needed to work on my dialouge that was my number one goal,  then what I had to do is go on my folders  then I had to go on my math practice and had to check what I needed to work on next term, that was my number two  goal.

Heres the link to my work.

2 thoughts on “24. R9 – Goals

  1. Malo le lei Susana,
    I love your simple and dramatic use of black and white for your title. Thank you for giving us a taste of your goals at the beginning of the blog post you could also include: How we looked at assessment, what we are learning in class, including, how to have discussions, the level we are on, and where we want to be, how we could get there, and decided what we wanted to work on. Your goals look clear and achievable 👌
    I am looking forward to seeing your progress this term.
    Ngā mihi

  2. Kia ora Susana! I’m Nelli. I like how you want to become a piolet when you grow up! And you don’t need to push yourself to be good at everything! But I like how you are trying. Thanks for sharing with me!

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