Month: March 2024

24. R9 – Manaakitanga

WALT: We have we been focusing on our Cybersmart learning and on our school values.

Kia ora, my class and I have been focusing on our Cybersmart learning and on our school Values with Aina and has been learning about each and one of the school values, this week we are really focusing on our Cybersmart because its nearly the end of term and that we have been focusing on all the other subject but we have never been learning about our Cybersmart, so here we are!!

Heres my work!

24 – R9. Kaitiakitanga

WALT: We have been talking about the meaning the school values.

Kia ora, my class and I have been talking the school values and has been learning the meaning of each of the school values it was our task for Cybersmart, we had to go on google drawing and been writing about one of the school values. I picked Kaitiakitanga and it means keeping the environment clean and tidy.

Heres my work!

24 – R9.Whanaungatanga

WALT: We have been learning about our School Values

Kia ora, this week my class and I have been learning the school values, and has been search what it really means. We had to do each one of them for Cybersmart. My class and I had to pick one of the school values, I picked to do Whanaungatanga out all of them but then I had to do the meaning then I had to take a photo make weird shapes and had to colour it to make it colourful, but I really enjoyed doing Cybersmart.

Heres my work.

Week 9 – Hatchet Ponder 7:

This week my class and I have been focusing on thsi book called Hatchet it is a fun book to read and has so many new words that you have may not heard before!!

Brian is the main character of the story.

My favourite part of the story is when Brian makes his shelter all by himself and that he called his shelter home.

Here is my work



24. R9 – Rangatiratanga

Kia ora, this week my class and I have been learning about our school values. Tanya gave my class and I a task to go on Mentimeter and then she would give us a code for mentimeter then it will show up each word on our school values. Our task was to put on words for Rangatiratanga like here is a example, Respectful.

Thank you.

Here is a photo of my Rangatiratanga work.

24. R9 – Kiwi can

Kia ora, For the past 2 to 3 week my class and I have been going to Kiwi Can every Friday at 10:30, our class is the last one to go to Kiwi Can because last year the kids in Room 9 has been listening and has been showing respect to Kiwi Can, so that they could be the top of the leaderboard in Kiwi Can. We have topic and Theme, our Theme in Kiwi Can is Postive Relationship it means always showing an amazing Postive attuide to everyone around us. Our topic for Kiwi is Conflict Resolution and their is two meaning for that. Conflict means fighting with one other. Resolution means solving the problem.

Thank you.

Here is a photo of my work.


WALT: This week my class and I has been listening to a story called Hatchet, and we have been writing a ponder about Hatchet.

The book is about a man who was controlling a airplane until it crashed, he had no food or water to survive with.

But here are my reasons why you should suffer from starvation


Term 1- Week 7, Ponder 


Would you rather suffer from Dehydration or Starvation?


  • I would rather suffer from starvation because you cannot survive without water because your body will be extremely thirsty, fatigue and ultimately, organ failure and death.


  •  Reasons
  • However, without staying hydrated (without water) as well, the human body can only live 3 to 5 days. I  believe that a person can live for up to three weeks without food as long as they have water to drink. Without both water and food, a person cannot survive for more than four days.


  • The body often finds alternate ways to generate energy during starvation and prolong life. However, in the absence of water, the body undergoes several changes and severe dehydration, and the kidneys may shut down.


  • Not eating for 30 days can have severe and life-threatening consequences for the body. Initially, the body will use up its stored glycogen for energy, followed by breaking down fat stores for fuel. However, prolonged fasting can lead to muscle wasting, weakness, dizziness, and extreme weight loss.


  • The length of time a person can survive without any food or water will depend on various factors, such as the individual’s age and health and whether or not they have anything else to drink.


  • When the human body is severely deprived of calories, it starts functioning differently to reduce the amount of energy it burns. If nutrition is not restored, starvation leads to loss of life.


  •  There is no hard and fast “rule of thumb” for how long you can live without food. To some extent, the answer depends on individual differences and circumstances. Information about life expectancy is based on real world contexts, such as hunger strikes and serious medical conditions.


  • During the first 24 hours without food, as your glucose storage is depleted, your body will begin to convert glycogen from your liver and muscles into glucose.


  •  Being underweight, defined as having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5, is associated with malnutrition and a range of health conditions that can lower life expectancy. These include reduced immune system function, digestive conditions, and cancer.


  • Over time, a severely restricted food intake can reduce lifespan.